Here I did take pictures but due to not using my camera in ages, mucked up a load of the settings so they aren't great (and the battery was low so couldn't take many) , luckily Dad took pictures which are WAY better than mine. We have a lovely meal and Nate despite being tired and a bit bored was pretty well behaved, and jept everyone entertained by walking across the table and throwing himself at people. (As you can see, he still has a bit of carpet burn on his nose due to his face plant the other day)
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Friends to visit and Nan's birthday
Well, a tiring but satisfying weekend. We spent Saturday morning mostly vegging then dragged ourselves up and did some quick tidying in preparation for Paul and Lauraine's visit. It was lovely to see them again (and a good excuse for indian takeaway). We watched "Something, something, something, Dark side" which was brilliantly funny. Unfortunately they couldn't manage pudding so we are sadly left having to eat them ourselves. Funnier was Nathans reaction in the morning when Paul and Lauraine came out of the lounge during his breakfast (they had arrived after he was in bed). He then preceded to steal of their breakfasts and keep us entertained. (Unfortunately I didn't think to take piccies). We then had to rather rudely push them out of the door as we had to leave to go the Nan's 83rd birthday meal at the Worpelsden Place hotel. We got there a bit early and Nate was asleep so we drove round for a bit to let him sleep more.
Friday, 26 March 2010
An Eastery Homestart
We didn't have a great night last night - Nathans cold has migrated into a cough and so at 1am I popped some vic on, put a t-shirt over it and cuddle him under his nose cleared and he could sleep without coughing. Unfortunately this didn't stop him from waking at almost the normal time so both he and I were both a bit grumpy. John had decided to go in late this morning so we didn't have as long as usual to get ready. Nathan gnawed on some fruit toast while I dashed about sorting out the nappy bag etc then I then popped him to bed in the hope that he would get a quick nap in while I got myself ready.
Mike kindly dropped us off and, entering the room we were immediately confronted with a GINORMOUS pile of Easter eggs (donated by a local company). They had also set up loads of eastery crafts for the kids to do. First we made streamers (Nathan just pootled round and I made it but nevermind it is the thought) then we made bunny ears (which I didn't get a piccy of nate wearing while we were there) then finally we decorated "Easter baskets". Once the kids had had a snack they all lined up with their Easter baskets and went to find little plastic eggs which had 2 mini egg size chocolate eggs inside. Nathan got 2 (or Mummy pointed him at 2) and then they gave out Easter eggs and got the kids to pose with them for a photo as a thank you for the company that donated them. Nathan and I sat to one side and did his best to escape from my lap. The kids then played with a multi-colored "parachute" before heading off home.
When we got home we were running a bit late so I loaded the monster into the buggy and dashed off for my dentist appointment and we got there just in time. The weather was glorious but windy. I got my chipped tooth sorted and then we ambled back home but on the way the fish and chip shop called to us, so we stopped so Nate could have his first cod and chips. On the last stretch home it started to rain - Nate had his buggy cover so was fine; I got soaked. Luckily I had the buggy board with me so the lunch was still warm and dry.
Once he had eaten, I put Nate to bed for an early nap and then took some pictures of his haul from homestart, but the sun came out and I then got distracted by the orchid we had bought as a present for a friend and so too some pics of that too...
Nathan slept all afternoon and then at around five woke up demanding tea. So, after he wore his bunny ears almost all morning and I didn't get any piccies I decided tea would be a good time to take some but he really didn't want to wear them...
Eventually I did get some good ones...
...But I did have to bribe him

Mike kindly dropped us off and, entering the room we were immediately confronted with a GINORMOUS pile of Easter eggs (donated by a local company). They had also set up loads of eastery crafts for the kids to do. First we made streamers (Nathan just pootled round and I made it but nevermind it is the thought) then we made bunny ears (which I didn't get a piccy of nate wearing while we were there) then finally we decorated "Easter baskets". Once the kids had had a snack they all lined up with their Easter baskets and went to find little plastic eggs which had 2 mini egg size chocolate eggs inside. Nathan got 2 (or Mummy pointed him at 2) and then they gave out Easter eggs and got the kids to pose with them for a photo as a thank you for the company that donated them. Nathan and I sat to one side and did his best to escape from my lap. The kids then played with a multi-colored "parachute" before heading off home.
When we got home we were running a bit late so I loaded the monster into the buggy and dashed off for my dentist appointment and we got there just in time. The weather was glorious but windy. I got my chipped tooth sorted and then we ambled back home but on the way the fish and chip shop called to us, so we stopped so Nate could have his first cod and chips. On the last stretch home it started to rain - Nate had his buggy cover so was fine; I got soaked. Luckily I had the buggy board with me so the lunch was still warm and dry.
Once he had eaten, I put Nate to bed for an early nap and then took some pictures of his haul from homestart, but the sun came out and I then got distracted by the orchid we had bought as a present for a friend and so too some pics of that too...
Nathan slept all afternoon and then at around five woke up demanding tea. So, after he wore his bunny ears almost all morning and I didn't get any piccies I decided tea would be a good time to take some but he really didn't want to wear them...
Eventually I did get some good ones...
...But I did have to bribe him
When John got home, Nathan finished his tea and played for a bit.John popped him on his ride on car and Nathan promptly became obsessed with getting on and off of it - not the easiest task with such little legs... A couple of times he toppled sideways in trying to get his leg over (you can tell he is his dad's child) then finally, trying to get off, he face planted, giving himself his first nosebleed. It quickly stopped bleeding and he cheered up but John and I were both a bit saddened.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Swing, swinga, swing, swing, schhhWING!
So, today I had 2 trips to the docs to do - one for me and one for Nathans vaccinations. We were up very early to get to my appointment so on the way home we stopped at the swings but it soon started to drizzle so we quickly headed home. However, it had brightened up a lot when it was time for Nathans vaccination so I grabbed my camera and some chocolate and we headed off. The vaccination itself wasactually far more traumatic for me than Nathan - I was stil sniffing as we left for the park but Nate was completely over it already. So, having been such a star, he deserved another go on the swings...
As usual, boy plus camera = way to any photos - this is a selection of my favorites... (But I could have included loads more!)
We had to go to the supermarket in the evening - unfortunately we ha to wait for John to get back from work so Nathan was up WAY after his bed time and we hadn't been there long went a cobination of his cold and the vaccination gave him a bit of a temperature and started him coughing so we dosed him on calpol and cough medicine and his temperature went down and did really well with only a little complaining and was straight off too bed when we got home...
As usual, boy plus camera = way to any photos - this is a selection of my favorites... (But I could have included loads more!)
We had to go to the supermarket in the evening - unfortunately we ha to wait for John to get back from work so Nathan was up WAY after his bed time and we hadn't been there long went a cobination of his cold and the vaccination gave him a bit of a temperature and started him coughing so we dosed him on calpol and cough medicine and his temperature went down and did really well with only a little complaining and was straight off too bed when we got home...
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