Anyway, now that the teeth have appeared he is a little better and happier but exhausted poor little poppet.
More worrying is Sherbert. On Wednesday John went to feed the dogs their tea and Sherb had problems standing, he didn't make sure that Thai diodn't get in front of him and while John popped food in their bowls he went to lie down in the next room.He then had to be coaxed to eat and wouldn't go outside at all. We rang for a vets appointment but thet didn't have one until today. Yesterday he was even worse, his back legs collapsing as he walked and not wanting to do anything including having to be handfed in the evening. So today John took him to the vets.. or tried too - he couldn't get into the back of the car o John had to walk him down. Which would have been fine except it was blowing a gale and puring with rain. According to the vet, he could have degenerative disc disease (they will xray next week and confirm it) and so, he must have complete bed rest and will only be allowed out of his cage to eat and pee. This may have to be for a couple of weeks and, by doing so, we will hopefully be able to avoid surgery. In the meantime, he can't have painkillers in case he does more damage. On the plus side, after a day of being trapped in his cage he is already moving a little better we think. So tomorrow he is back to the vets for s checkup and the xray is on monday (luckily John contract starts Tuesday) and fingers crossed the rest will help him.
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