For what I can tell, they all had a lovely time, Nathan apparently constantly urged John to go faster, pointed at everything and every now and again leant back to smile at his daddy. In fact, when they got back, to indulge in a delicious BBQ, Nathan insisted on keeping his helmet on. Only taking it off of course when he crawled under the table and stood up to clonk his head!

The BBQ was unusual as it was cooked outside but eaten inside as Naz and Mark have just had their garden done. It looks amazing, a huge change, but unfortunately at the time the grass couldn't be walked on while its roots were bedding and , due to a few days of bad weather, the patio hadn't yet been pointed so also couldn't be walked on. It didn't stop us eating WAY too much (though Nate only wanted the chips and refused to sit and eat like a good boy). He was a horror during lunch, unsuprising really as the monster had refused to nap that morning. We sat and chatted for quite some time and eventually ambled homewards, full and happy.
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