Nathan at first wanted to go in with the big boys playing football but, being teeny kept on getting accidently knocked so I persuade that the under 4's area would be better for him, particularly as they had his favorite cars. Unfortunately little sticky fingers have made the pictures quite blurry.

Jasmines joined Nathan for a bit, though she really preferred the larger area

After a while Nate ventured out to the wendy house/kitchen area. Where Ashley and Nathan took turns to hide in the cupboard (unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Ashley, only Nate, who became quite obsessed and continued playing long after Ashley (who played beautifully with Nate) had lost interest and gone back to the big boys...

Jasmines joined Nathan for a bit, though she really preferred the larger area
After a while Nate ventured out to the wendy house/kitchen area. Where Ashley and Nathan took turns to hide in the cupboard (unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Ashley, only Nate, who became quite obsessed and continued playing long after Ashley (who played beautifully with Nate) had lost interest and gone back to the big boys...

he was also very chuffed that there was a seat that was just low enough for him to get on so kept hoping up and down and playing with the puzzle that he carefully collected
Soon the kids were all called into a seperate room for food. The girls had princess hats and wands and the boys had pirate has and cutlasses. Nate sat beside Ashley and they promptly started to use their cutlasses to saw each others heads off... Jasmine had a secial chair to sit on too and a lovely Pepper Pig cake.
Once the kids were full (and the adults had grazed on the remains) we headed off. I had intended to go back to Dave and Mandys for a cuppa (and, if I am honest, a nose round the new house) however, when I got there I went to get Nate out of the car and he was fast asleep so fought me off with his eyes still shut and went straight back to sleep. So I only saw the outside which was really nice (lovely position too, nice and quiet) handed over the presents and hurried off as Luke (who had slept the whole time) had woken up and was hungry. I was disappointed but as it was it was lucky we left when we did - the journey up had taken just under 2 hours but it took nearly 4 to get home due to clipping the start of the rush hour combined with road works etc. Nate was exhausted from all the fun he had had so slept most of the way home but the last hour he sobbed his heart out and there was no where to stop so I couldn't do anything about it - poor poppet.
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